BJ Alex Wiki


Ahn Jiwon and his friends approach the counter where Nam Dong-Gyun is working. Despite his initial surprise and shock, Dong-Gyun is excited that BJ Alex is in his cafe. Seung-Gyu recognises him as the hoobae they ran into earlier. He claims to come to the cafe regularly, due to its close proximity to campus, but that he's never seen Dong-Gyun there before. Seung-Gyu asks if they could get some freebies. Lee Kang-Hun is immediately annoyed with Dong-Gyun, saying that Dong-Gyun smiling at them now that they're customers is bullshit when he ignored them earlier. The sunbaes continue to bother Dong-Gyun, who wishes that they would hurry up and order.

Jiwon stops the harrassment by doing exactly that, his student president personality in full force. Dong-Gyun is stunned by its return, and by how pretty Jiwon looks when he's acting so nice. The other sunbae follow suit and order. When Dong-Gyun has completed the orders, Jiwon collects them from the counter despite having paid. He doesn't interact with Dong-Gyun at all, snatching the tray from his hands. His attempt at snubbing Dong-Gyun completely is foiled by Seung-Gyu, who asks for some syrup to be added to his drink. This forces Jiwon to return to the counter despite his irritation. Dong-Gyun attempts to start a conversation, but it immediately shot down by Jiwon.

When Dong-Gyun returns the altered coffee, he tentatively asks Jiwon when he'll get his shirt back. Jiwon says he'll give it back soon, and Dong-Gyun watches as he returns to his friends.

At home after work, Dong-Gyun is feeling the strain of having a full day of classes as well as work after a sleepless night. He muses on how he got to see both sunbae Jiwon and BJ Alex today, since their personalities are so different, and he wonders which one is the real personality. Dong-Gyun becomes hard just from thinking about Jiwon's face. The combination of knowing what Alex's face really looks like and memories from the night before make for an easy segue into a masturbation session. He regrets it once he's finished, but only because he's now absolutely exhausted. He falls asleep soon after.

In his own apartment, Jiwon smokes an e cigarette and contemplates the shirt that Dong-Gyun gave him.


  • Ahn Jiwon
  • Nam Dong-Gyun
  • Seung-Gyu
  • Lee Kang-Hun


  • Jiwon orders an iced americano with an extra shot.
  • The other orders are another americano, hot, a caffe latte and Kang-Hun orders an iced hot chocolate
  • The shirt Dong-Gyun gave Jiwon is his favourite.